
Saugatuck SEO

We'll Get Your Website Ranking Higher In Saugatuck

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Cost Of SEO

How Much Does Search Engine Optimization Cost In Saugatuck

The cost really depends from business to business. To a lawyer, it would make sense to spend $3500-$5000, but to a baker, it wouldn't. Nationwide, the price of an average SEO campaign is around $2500, and in Saugatuck, it is no different. We've seen this reflected in our own clientele as well.

While our lowest campaign is $500, we feel you should spend what your business is comfortable spending. There is no fixed price in terms of a campaign. We have packages listed below for simplicity, but we will build a campaign for any price point. Ultimately the price is just reflected in the amount of time that we can afford to spend on the project.

Digital Marketing

Try Our Risk-Free Three-Month Saugatuck SEO Trial

Along with many other Saugatuck SEO services, we also offer a three-month trial to get your feet wet with digital marketing. Before your trial we will schedule a brief meeting with you. Before that meeting we'll need your website, and the websites of 3-5 of your main competitors.

On the call we will walk you through what they are doing to succeed online, and what you can change to get there. We'll determine a price for what it would take to get you where you want. If agreed upon, we would require three months of that price paid upfront, at 50% off. While we would only be able to put in half of the time - due to the project being half-price - it will allow you to get your feet wet.

Our goal is that when your trial is over, that you'll want to hire us on to handle all internet marketing & online advertising moving forward. And, even if the trial ends and you still would rather not continue, you've gotten huge improvements & increases in traffic that are yours to keep long after we're gone!

What Is SEO

SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization. Every website online is analyzed and judged by search engines. The focus of search advertising is to ensure that everything complies entirely with the webmaster guidelines. People will see an inability to rank well in the SERPs (search engine results pages) if their pages are in violation of any of these guidelines. As your Saugatuck SEO company, it is our job to create an online advertising strategy that is guaranteed to boost your rankings and therefore help you bring in more clients each month.

Internet Marketing

How Does Google Rank Your Website?

Google ranks your website based solely on how relevant and quality it is. Luckily, you can control both of these metrics. The relevance is simply ensuring your on page content is optimized properly. If each web page is properly optimized, Google will be guaranteed to see your site as relevant. And, if you have a quality, easy to use website that people want to use, Search engines will view it as quality as well.

Google is recording everything about how your users are responding to your content. Are they sharing it? How long are they spending reading your content? Are they accepting any of your offers and becoming customers? Google is recording all of this and weighing the response of your visitors to determine if your content is quality content or not.

If your visitors leave instantly and don't return, they end their search on another website, they never convert, etc. Then Google sees your content as poor quality, and will not rank you as highly as your competition.

We don't just optimize each of your pages for search, we also optimize your pages for conversions. A user-friendly page is guaranteed to rank higher just because you are improving the odds your visitors will enjoy their stay. We will work with you to design and execute an online marketing strategy that is guaranteed to improve how search engines and customers alike, view your business. Your company deserves the best! As your Saugatuck SEO experts, give us a call and start making the most out of your website today!

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Want More Organic Traffic?

Schedule Your Free Audit With An Award-Winning Saugatuck SEO

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Saugatuck SEO Expert

How Will Search Advertising Help My Business

Your business and every one of your competitors is represented by a website that appears in organic search. The most obvious way that search engine marketing will help your business can be seen in the way that you yourself interact with the search engine results pages. Do you look at businesses on the fourth or fifth page when making a decision, or do you make your decision within the first or second pages? If you're like most people, you probably end the majority of your searches on the first page. Online advertising helps in many ways, and here are just a few:

  • Potential Clients See You As More Credibile
  • Improve Your Revenue
  • Compete With Your Competitors Who Are Investing In SEO
  • Get To The First Page For Your Services
  • Dominate Locally With Local Search Engine Optimization
  • Improve Your Website And Boost Your PageRank & TrustRank
  • Get Listed In Several Relevant Saugatuck Publications & Media Outlets
  • As well as many, many other critical things to the beginning of your journey

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The Process Our Marketing Agency Uses For Online Success In Saugatuck SEO

SEO Audit

Step One

Evaluate & Audit

We begin every campaign by first evaluating the current state and health of your website. Every step of the way we're documenting all of the information relevant to the success of your project.

In step one, we'll do the research required to determine what it would take to get you where you want to go. If you decide to let us handle your Saugatuck SEO needs, we'll need a list of 100-150 relevant keywords that we will then refine and add to. The keywords you provide will be an invaluable asset in step two.

Saugatuck Search Engine Optimization

Step Two

Collaborate & Strategize

Once we've agreed on a price, the contracts are signed, and we have your keyword list, now the fun can begin. Step two is where we design & execute an on page and off page SEO campaign that works seamlessly with your business.

First we focus on your on page SEO. We correct any exiting issues on every web page of your website. During this on page optimization period, we will also be creating new content to help give the positive signals search engines are looking for.

Then we'll focus on your off page SEO. This is where we focus on building local citations and doing the work required to build the level of trust that search engines have for your website.

Building backlinks, creating content such as blog posts, landing pages that allow you to rank for your services in every city/state you service, etc.

Digital Marketing Campaign

Step Three

Tracking & Analytics

Once your website has been improved, and all of your original data and metrics have been recorded, we keep a careful eye on the performance of your website. During step three we analyze the success of our internet marketing efforts to recognize opportunities for improvements, to build your reputation, drive more traffic to your website, etc.

Search engine optimization is all about being thorough, and our company goes above and beyond to ensure you are always kept in the loop. Each month we share the data of your progress in which ever form is best for you. In this monthly review, you'll see - with Google backed data - just how well your marketing campaign is going.

Cost Of SEO

How Much Does Search Engine Optimization Cost In Saugatuck

The cost really depends from business to business. To a lawyer, it would make sense to spend $3500-$5000, but to a baker, it wouldn't. Nationwide, the price of an average SEO campaign is around $2500, and in Saugatuck, it is no different. We've seen this reflected in our own clientele as well.

While our lowest campaign is $500, we feel you should spend what your business is comfortable spending. There is no fixed price in terms of a campaign. We have packages listed below for simplicity, but we will build a campaign for any price point. Ultimately the price is just reflected in the amount of time that we can afford to spend on the project.

Digital Marketing

Try Our Risk-Free Three-Month Saugatuck SEO Trial

Along with many other Saugatuck SEO services, we also offer a three-month trial to get your feet wet with digital marketing. Before your trial we will schedule a brief meeting with you. Before that meeting we'll need your website, and the websites of 3-5 of your main competitors.

On the call we will walk you through what they are doing to succeed online, and what you can change to get there. We'll determine a price for what it would take to get you where you want. If agreed upon, we would require three months of that price paid upfront, at 50% off. While we would only be able to put in half of the time - due to the project being half-price - it will allow you to get your feet wet.

Our goal is that when your trial is over, that you'll want to hire us on to handle all internet marketing & online advertising moving forward. And, even if the trial ends and you still would rather not continue, you've gotten huge improvements & increases in traffic that are yours to keep long after we're gone!

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Case Studies

Delivering Measurable Results for Businesses Like Yours

Check out the amazing results we've gotten clients just like you!

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Whether you need a design overhaul, development work, or to rise above the competition in your local search results, we can help you reach your goals! Give us a call to get a free quote.